Our Women: Ashleigh Scott's Daily Rituals

Our Women: Ashleigh Scott's Daily Rituals
In our fast-paced world of modern multitasking, women often find themselves wearing multiple hats. While this juggling act can be challenging, our daily rituals can help to ground us and set us up for success.

We're pleased to share glimpse into the life of one of our amazing women and stockists, Ashleigh Scott - renowned holistic facialist, mother and owner and founder of The Facialist. Let's uncover her daily rituals and cherished self-care practices.

Morning Ritual: Setting the Tone for Success

What's the first thing you do in the morning to set a positive tone for the day? 

My youngest, Freddie, is still waking a lot through the night - so this is very dependable on how our night has been. I love doing an at-home (app based) workout, or a quick walk with the dogs. But if the morning doesn’t go to plan, I will always reset after daycare drop-off and before work mode with my morning smoothie. It is loaded with so much nutrients and goodness I know I’m setting myself to win the day.

Daily Inspiration: Staying Motivated on the Go

Could you share a daily practice or routine that keeps you inspired and motivated? 

My commute from home to the salon is often surplus of 30 minutes so I have become a little addicted to podcasts. I find hearing other business journeys so refreshing, and listening to women in business I admire will often leave me motivated within my own business.

Evening RitualUnwinding as a Busy Working Mum

How do you unwind and practice self-care in the evening after a busy day? Any tips on how you find time for this as a busy working mum? 

I have become obsessed with the Trudermal LED mask. Light therapy is incredible for the skin, and this mask is so portable, practical and easy to use – which answers the second part of your question; I can have t on while I prep dinner, or sort the kids. Easy! Doing something which makes me feel my best, whilst looking after the fam. Win Win!

Favourite Product: A Touch of Joy

Which is your favourite Embodyme Nurturing Body Oil?

I love all of them, but if I had to pick a favourite it would be Joy. It is the perfect blend that is both uplifting and grounding. 

Words of Wisdom: Self-Care is Not Selfish

What's a piece of advice or words of wisdom that you might like to share in relation to self-care or finding time for yourself?

Self-care is not selfish. I know this is a large part of Embodyme's foundation, but it rings true for so many of us! You cannot serve from an empty vessel. Even just 20 minutes to replenish; Deep breathes in the sun, a walk, a massage, a facial. I have come to identify my triggers, and when I can see a spiral coming I will jump on any gaps we might have in the diary and after a massage with on our therapists I feel lighter, restored and grounded to approach the thing that felt unfathomable before.

 Looking for more inspiration? Follow @embodyme_daily or sign up The Weekly to discover more ways to create your own Daily Rituals for Self Care each week.