Our People: Phoebe Hart's Daily Rituals

Our People: Phoebe Hart's Daily Rituals

In our busy lives, where women juggle many roles, daily rituals help keep us grounded and refreshed. Learning from others is just as important—  embracing their wisdom can lead to growth and positive change. By incorporating these lessons into our routines, we can live a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Meet Phoebe Hart, with over a decade of experience in dance, movement, and yogic practices, she shares work that is deeply rooted in the art of self-discovery through the intricate connection between mind and body. Phoebe advocates for rest not as a reward but as a fundamental necessity in the journey toward holistic well-being. Drawing from her own experiences with loss, grief, change, and self-exploration, Phoebe has developed a gentle, intuitive methodology. Her approach is guided by the wisdom of the nervous system (informed by polyvagal theory) and anchored in the language of the body through movement.

Alongside her own business and passions, Phoebe has been part of the team at Hana Space in Auckland for the past four years as their Sales & Marketing Manager. Through this role, her love for low-tox, slow living has flourished, continually fueled by the inspiring people and brands she collaborates with in this work.

Morning Ritual: What's the first thing you do in the morning to set a positive tone for the day?

Every morning, I begin my day with an extra 30 minutes in bed cuddling my partner. I’ve discovered that starting the day with co-regulation has a profound impact on how my nervous system functions throughout the day. The release of oxytocin during this time is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and lower cortisol levels—something I prioritise in a world that often feels so stress-driven.

After this, the first couple of hours of my day are strictly mine. I keep my phone on airplane mode until around 8 a.m. and focus on nurturing my physical, mental, and emotional well-being before letting the outside world in. This gentle, intentional start has become more essential for me than waking up and attempting to be extremely active first thing in the morning.

Daily InspirationCould you share a daily practice or routine that keeps you inspired and motivated? 

Lately, I’ve been exploring what joy and fun look like in my daily practice. It’s so easy for a daily routine to turn into just another item on the to-do list, something to check off. To give myself the freedom to be less rigid, I’ve started meeting myself—and my nervous system—anew each day.

For inspiration, I create a list of practices that bring me joy at the start of each month and keep it somewhere visible. That way, when I have time for myself, I can simply look at the list and see which practice resonates most in the moment. Recently, re-connecting with my family in the UK has been bringing me the most joy. During my morning walks, I give them a call and catch up—it’s been such a fulfilling way to start the day.

Evening RitualHow do you unwind and practice self care in the evening after a busy day?

In the evenings, I love incorporating some form of movement or exercise, especially after spending much of the day working at my laptop for Hana Space. My favorite ways to move include yoga (of course!), dance, walking up the mount, or strolling along the beach. Whenever I can get out into nature, it feels like an extra bonus!

Favourite Product: Is there a specific product of ours that you love?

My favorite product from Embodyme is Kindness. For me, its scent beautifully captures the essence of compassion and supports the types of practices I have that continue to ground me into living a heart-centred life. The delicate aroma of rose also adds a personal touch, as it always reminds me of my mum.

Words of Wisdom/Words to live by:  What's a piece of advice or words of wisdom that you might like to share in relation to self care or finding time for yourself? 

Learn to love yourself in all states!  When you cultivate a practice of slowing down and connecting with your body, you may uncover a rich landscape of sensations and patterns. Not all of them will feel pleasant—some might even be challenging. For me, I've learned that procrastination, distraction, self-soothing, and zoning out are ways my nervous system seeks to protect and support me.

Often, in our journey toward self-care, we tend to either demonize or idolize certain states of being. But the truth is, every state exists to support us in some way. The real practice lies in choosing to love ourselves through it all.

Want more inspiration? Follow @embodyme_daily or sign up for THE REMINDER to get your weekly dose of self care rituals.