Our women: Sarah Reid's Daily Rituals
In our fast-paced modern world of juggling multiple roles and multi-tasking, women often find themselves spread too thin. While this juggling act can be challenging, daily rituals can help to ground us and enhance our overall wellbeing.
Here we hear from our founder, Sarah, who's also a health coach, wellness advocate and mum to three gorgeous children. Through Embodyme, Sarah wants to change our approach to self care so that it is no longer seen as an indulgence but a necessity, every day. Embodyme serves as a resolute reminder for women to prioritise their own wellbeing, cultivate a positive mindset and embody the best version of themselves. Let's explore her daily rituals for self care.
Her morning ritual:
I like to front-load my day with rituals, as it's the only time I have to myself before the house wakes up and the day begins. The first thing I do is tongue scrape and meditate for 20 minutes. Then, I drink two glasses of warm water with a squeeze of fresh lemon and pinch of salt and head outside for a half-hour walk with my husband and dog. I need the movement, fresh air, connection, and natural light to set myself up for the day. After my shower, I choose which emotion I need to feel more of in that moment and apply our Nurturing Body Oil onto slightly damp skin. There's something extraordinary about reconnecting with your body. It makes me feel whole.
Her daily inspiration:
Meditation! It's my absolute non-negotiable. I have been practising it for 30 years but refined my practice to Vedic meditation over the last 7 years. It has given me the ability to feel less stressed and have more energy in my life.
Her evening ritual:
I am very conscious of the fact that I won't sleep well if I don't take the time to wind down at the end of each day. It's a major challenge with having a start-up. I try to detech by 9:30 pm and switch from 'doing' to 'being' mode with a relaxing herbal tea. I take a bath most nights adding in a cup of epsom salts and a few full droppers of Peace Nurturing Body Oil. It makes for a deeply relaxing and hydrating experience.
Her favourite Nurturing Body Oil:
That is like asking me to choose a favourite child. I developed our fragrances, so genuinely love them all. The fascinating aspect of these scents is that you are naturally drawn to the emotion that you need to feel more of in the moment.
Her words to live by:
Get comfortable with the practice of looking after yourself. Identify three things that you can do every day that show you the love and care you deserve. Remember that to truly be able to love and care for others, you need to love and care for yourself first
Looking for more inspiration? Follow @embodyme_daily or sign up The Weekly to discover more ways to create your own Daily Rituals for Self Care each week.